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If your site allows users to input information for processing or storage, then you most likely know what a pain it is to write out and organize those pages. Taking into possibly all errors that can occur and everything in between. This is more of a mess if you have to take a lot of information or even have to mess with different types of information. Though I don’t have a solution for all of that, I do for part of it.
If your site allows users to input information for processing or storage,
then you most likely know what a pain it is to write out and organize those pages. Taking
into possibly all errors that can occur and everything in between. This is more of a mess
if you have to take a lot of information or even have to mess with different types of
information. Though I don’t have a solution for all of that, I do for part of it.
If you need a quick, easy way to collect like information from a user,
then the Split Function is your ticket. If you’ve ever entered stock quotes at a website
and had to seperate them by a comma or another type of delimiter and wondered how they did
that, then here is your answer.
I’m going to use for an example what I see as the most widely used
application of this function, stock quote look-ups. Lets say your designing your site so
that users can look up stock quotes. Most people own shares in more than one company so
you should give them the option of looking up more than one at a time. To save space on
your page you can’t simply put 10 text boxes on the page for 10 different quotes, and you
can’t limit users to just one quote per form submission, but what you can do is let users
enter quotes in one text box using delimiters and later on your form processing page
serperate the quotes and process them how ever you want to. Here’s how you do it!!
Your form page. It is no more than that. 1 Text box is all it takes.
SplitString.asp. This is the interesting part. We will now seperate the
string into individual quotes.
Dim strStockQuotes
Dim araStockQuotes
Dim intElements
Dim i
Dim strStockQuote
strStockQuotes = request(“stockquotes”) ‘ This is
the input from the form.
araStockQuotes = split(strStockQuotes, “,”) ‘ We have just created an array. Note: inside the function I
used “,” – This is the
‘ Delimiter that I’m using. eg. if the string was “1, 2, 3” the function would
‘ an array that contained “1” “2” and “3”. If your string
was “1 2 3” and your
‘ delimiter was a space (” “) , then your array would would contain:
“1” “2” and
‘ “3”
intElements = ubound(araStockQuotes) ‘ Get the number of
For i = 0 to intElements
strStockQuote = araStockQuotes(i)
‘here you process the individual
stock quote however you need to.
response.write strStockQuote & “ “