“One thing that is rarely covered by the many excellent mod_perl modules out there is how do you build a static
web site that will allow you to separate content from presentation and easily change the layout of your site at any
time in the future. The popular mod_perl modules out there (such as Mason, Embperl, and Apache::ASP) focus
mainly on dynamic content creation. However AxKit has very strong support for applying the separation of
content from presentation to static sites.”
“… Now we want to render this as HTML. First we must tell AxKit how to do that. So we need to add in some
configuration directives to our httpd.conf (for Take23 I use regular .htaccess files for this, but some people don’t
like those for performance reasons – your mileage may vary). Here’s what we need, first we need to setup a
stylesheet mime type to processor mapping:”
One thing that is rarely covered by the many excellent mod_perl modules out there is how do you build a static
web site that will allow you to separate content from presentation and easily change the layout of your site at any
time in the future. The popular mod_perl modules out there (such as Mason, Embperl, and Apache::ASP) focus
mainly on dynamic content creation. However AxKit has very strong support for applying the separation of
content from presentation to static sites.