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The following articles about Microsoft’s SMS are available on ServerWatch.
Clients with Incorrect Network Information:
The article describes a problem we experienced with SMS clients automatically uninstalling themselves. We take you step-by-step through the long process of identifying the network issue, troubleshooting the problem, and eventually finding a solution.(04/02/2003)
New Software Distribution Features in Topaz (Part 2) : Currently, there are eight new software distribution features included with Topaz, the new beta release of SMS 2.0. This is the second of a two-part article from Dana Daugherty that focuses on these new features. (March 4, 2002)
New Software Distribution Features in Topaz (Part 2) : Currently, there are eight new software distribution features included with Topaz, the new beta release of SMS 2.0. This is the second of a two-part article from Dana Daugherty that focuses on these new features. (March 4, 2002)
New Software Distribution Features in Topaz (Part 1): Currently, there are 8 new software distribution features included with Topaz, the new beta release of SMS 2.0. This the first of a two-part article from Dana Daugherty that focuses on these new features. (February 25, 2002)
Accessing Client Discovery Information: Dana Daugherty’s latest article helps you find the client discovery information configured for a specific client within the SMS Administrator console. (February 12, 2002)
Creating a CAP : Dana Daugherty’s latest article outlines the process of creating a SMS CAP from the administrator console.
(February 5, 2002)
Refreshing and Updating Distribution Points: Dana Daugherty’s latest article discusses the difference between refreshing and updating distribution points from within the SMS Administrator Console. (January 30, 2002)
MSI Package Distribution Issue: Dana Daugherty’s latest article addresses several workarounds for an issue where MSIExec may not be able to find .msi files on the package share because the connection is closed. This is due to SMS clients closing their connection to the SMS package share when MSIExec.exe begins to execute. (January 28, 2002)
SMS Installer Include Script Command: Do you have a piece of SMS Installer code that you use repeatedly within the same script or within multiple scripts? Why not use the include script command to avoid redundant programming? (January 22, 2002)
Windows Installer Foundations: Windows Installer is fast becoming the application installer of choice in the IT industry. Dana Daugherty’s latest article provides an overview of the basic workings of this new technology. (January 3, 2002)
What’s New with SMS Installer:
Dana Daugherty’s latest article provides an overview of the new features in the most recent release of SMS Installer, version 2.0.148. The major addition in this version is integration with Windows Installer, with built-in tools for compiling new scripts and converting old ones into the Windows Installer format. (November 29, 2001)
SMS Site Recovery Overview:
Dana Daugherty’s latest contribution helps you become more familiar with the process of SMS site recovery. The article specifically focuses on repairing and resynchronizing tasks that you should perform on recovered sites. (November 27, 2001)
Backing Up SMS Primary Sites:
Microsoft supports only one backup procedure for Systems Management Server. This article hits the highlights of backing data up in SMS and points you to some good resources for additional information on the procedure. (November 19, 2001)