This one is very simple….
but there is always someone trying to reach this code…. I hope you understand
the code.
1. First I have created a variable that at the end could give me if the
validation is ok or not ‘goby’.
2. So, I have used the
function InStr that gives me True Or False about any character inside
a String.
This one is very simple…. but there is always someone trying to reach this code…. I hope you understand the code.
3. So here is the code, use
it as you want
Dim goby
goby = 0 //Starting the goby string
I f Len(session(“emailfrom”))
If InStr(1, session(“emailfrom”),
“@”, 1)
goby = 1
InStr(1,session(“emailfrom”), “.”, 1)
goby = 1
End If
End If
If goby 0 then // well , if goby 0 then something
must be wrong
response.write “Bad E-Mail…”
End If