It should be noted that RAID 1 arrays do not differ greatly from single disks in terms of performance. In fact, RAID 1 typically incurs a tiny performance hit, but not enough to worry about. In any case, the main focus of RAID 1 is reliability, not speed. There are, however, no hard and fast numeric reliability benchmarks.
While RAID won’t benefit everyone, it will some. Those who want a RAID platform but are put off by the cost of SCSI, IDE RAID may suit perfectly. Iwills sIDE RAID66 is an excellent contender, performance is top-notch, and quality and reliability are excellent. And at only $99 MSRP (likely cheaper street prices), it won’t leave your wallet dry.
More details about Iwill’s sIDE RAID66 can be found here on hardware central. Dan Mepham welcomes any questions, comments, or fireballs you may have.