Ian Stallings
I think this has been covered about a godzillion times but I want to show ASP newbies a clear and easy method to pull data from a database and place it in a webpage.
I think this has been covered about a godzillion times
but I want to show ASP newbies a clear and easy method to
pull data from a database and place it in a webpage.
There are a few objects you can use to get the data from a
database, but I prefer the connection object because it
takes about 3 lines of code to use a SQL statement.
(Before writing the script, make sure you have a DSN to the
DB setup correctly.)
First thing we do is open an active connection to the DB
using the connection object like so:
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
oConn.Open “DSN=Web;UID=username;PWD=password”
We can then build the SQL statement using:
sql = “SELECT UserName FROM Accounts Where UserName=’madcow'”
We then set the RS object using this line of code:
Set RS = oConn.Execute(sql)
All done! Now that we have the data, we can place it
in our HTML like this:
Keep in mind that this is a very simple example and can be
expanded on greatly. If you have any comments or questions feel
free to drop me a line.