The main Apache Web site, of course:>>>
The documentation for Apache and its modules:>>
(This page is normally used to respond to email requests for
support, but there are lots of good resources listed on
If you want to get the Apache Web server up and running, it’s
really quite simple; most of the hard part has been pre-configured
for you. Follow the instructions here and you should be able
to start serving simple pages in a matter of minutes.
Got a Topic You Want Covered?
If you have a particular Apache-related topic that you’d like covered
in a future article in this column, please let me know; drop me
an email at
I do read and answer my email, usually within a few hours
(although a few days may pass if I’m travelling or my mail volume is
‘way up). If I don’t respond within what seems to be a reasonable
amount of time, feel free to ping me again.
About the Author
Ken Coar
is a member of the Apache Group and a director and vice
president of the
Apache Software Foundation.
He is also a core member of the
Jikes open-source Java compiler project, a contributor to the
PHP project, the author of
Apache Server for Dummies, and a contributing
author to
Apache Server Unleashed.
He can be reached via email at>.