With the connections open…
dim paging, aline, series, sNext, sPrev while not rsInput.EOF |
The variable ‘series’ is a page counter, which begins with this while loop. Below is the code to create filenames and Next-Previous links.
for paging =1 to 80 if paging = 1 then if series 100 then if series 10 then htmlOut = “D:Websharewwwrootaspcsfacsfa_00” & series & “.html” else else sPrev = series – 1 end if htmlNext = “csfa_” & sNext & “.html” else end if |
This section of code above is mainly dealing with getting the automatic paging correct. As the records get processed, I use three digit auto naming so therefore must fill leading zeros for both the filename and for the Next-Previous buttons, so, it’s a lot of code for a simple idea. The results are buttons that work and files that sort sequentially by filename. Next is the head portion of the page, which will contain two columns of 40 entries each.