ServersASP Developing for Academic and Business Processes Page 2

ASP Developing for Academic and Business Processes Page 2

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The variables…

dim input, output, htmlOut, author, editor, pubdate, topic, source, locale, annotate, errs, err2
dim conn1, conn2, conn3, rsInput, txtOut, rsTemp, pagename, metatopics, secstart, minstart
dim metasOut

Then the first filename is set which is used for the individual topics which appear on each page, this list is created on the first pass with the original html file creation, I also create an alphabetic navigation table after the first run. These runs are 10-15 files each and will be updated infrequently, you’d automate this process for periodicals. It does build interactive links at run time, this image is saved in recordsets, and then written as the final output. The logic for this follows the basic creation sequence.

metasOut = “D:Websharewwwrootaspcsfacsfa_metas.txt”
set conn2 = server.createobject(ADODB.Connection) “DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=D:Websharewwwrootaspcsfabiblio_01.mdb”
  if not isobject(conn2)then
    errs2 = “unable to create access object”

    else errs2 = “access object created”
    end if
dim allfields, sql_01, sql_02
  sql_01 = sql_01 & “SELECT * from v3_86_index”
set rsInput = conn2.execute(sql_01)

  set conn1 = server.createobject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
  if not isobject(conn1) then

    errs = “unable to create object”
  else errs = “file object created”
    end if

The OLEDB driver is being used here, the processes are all on one server. The tables were created by hand for this, it can be automated with initialization scripts, that just takes a bit longer to code. All fields are default 255 text datatype. In development, like this project, the initial phase is discovery, I tried single row architecture but abandoned it to relational tables as better right away. With larger projects you would automate the table creation process. The hookup to SQL server uses a similar connection string which includes username and password, and I also develop Oracle in the same manner on this machine. Above, the code has created connections and defined a basic select-all SQL statement and has the first record ready to process a page.

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