The latest Apache Week is available. It has news and information
about the Apache Hackathon,
Apache 2 beta release, and the
Apache Software Foundation members meeting.
“A two day hackathon for the Apache developers took place on Monday
and Tuesday at the Apple campus. The hackathon was well attended
with over 40 developers making use of the time to discuss Apache
2.0 topics including filtering, the proxy module, libtool, SSL, and
the upcoming beta release.”
The latest Apache Week is available. It has news and information
about the Apache Hackathon,
Apache 2 beta release, and the
Apache Software Foundation members meeting.
“… A secret ballot was held to elect the new board of directors of the
ASF as well as to elect a number of new ASF members. All the
previous directors were re-elected apart from Rasmus Lerdorf and
Doug MacEachern, who were replaced by Greg Stein and Bill Stodard.
The new board comprises of Brian Behlendorf, Ken Coar, Roy T.
Fielding, Dirk-Willem van Gulik, Jim Jagielski, Ben Laurie, Greg
Stein, Bill Stodard, and Randy Terbush.”