/usr/local/apache/bin/apache -f /usr/local/apache/conf/name2_httpd.confThis lets you start as many server daemons as your machine can stand, each
one running a different server configuration. Make sure, of course, that each
configuration file has aPort
directive pointing at a different
port, or every one after the first one will fail to start, giving you an error
message like:Could not bind to port 80: Port already in use.Summary
Virtual hosts let you run multiple Web sites on the same physical server
machine. The advantages of this are numerous, and can be summed up for your
boss as "we don't have to buy another machine for the 18 other Web sites
you want to run."Future columns
Please let me know if there are other topics that you'd like for me to talk
about in future columns. You can send your suggestions to me at
ApacheToday@rcbowen.com And please
let me know what you think of my columns, at that same address. Many thanks for
reading down this far!