[ Thanks to Brad Marlborough for this link. ]
LogFactor5 is a Swing-based GUI that leverages the power of existing open source logging tool kits
like Apache’s Log4J and provides developers with a sophisticated, feature rich logging interface for presenting and monitoring messages.
Tired of wading through piles of log messages? LogFactor5 is a Swing based GUI that leverages the power of existing open source logging tool kits like Apache’s Log4J and provides developers with a sophisticated, feature rich logging interface for presenting and monitoring messages.
New features include:
- opening log records from a file or URL
- saving your GUI environment settings for future sessions
- configuring the number of visible log records
- additional classes for extending LogFactor5 to be used with other logging APIs
- 4 new examples including using LogFactor5 with Log4J’s SocketAppender
The biggest feature enhancement in this release is the ability to read in log files generated by Log4J’s RollingFileAppender. Log records can be opened locally from a file or from a remote server as a URL.
An additional feature that was added to LogFactor5 was the ability to start the console window independent of Log4J. That is to say, you do not need to add a LF5Appender to your properties file to use LogFactor5. The benefit of this feature is that developers who run utilities like Ant to test their applications can now view their log files off-line (i.e. after their application has completed the test and the JVM has shut down). Moreover, the ability to open log files on a remote server provides the ability for multiple developers working on the same application to view log files independently. It also gives developers the ability to view log files both internally and from remote locations.
Which would you rather work with…this
or THIS!!
For more information of LogFactor5 or to download a free evaluation copy, please visit Servidium Inc..