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ServerWatch Weekly Newsletter Volume 3.47 – December 7, 1999. Server Watch is the quintessential resource for Internet servers. Server software, free downloads, ratings, and extensive reviews are just the beginning of what this awesome site has to offer…
ServerWatch Weekly Newsletter
Volume 3.47 - December 7, 1999
1. ServerWatch News
2. New Additions to ServerWatch
3. Updated Servers for the Week
4. Top Downloads for the Week
1. ServerWatch News
This week in ServerWatch:
- Netscape Alliance to Release J2EE-Based Server
The Sun-Netscape Alliance unveiled the iPlanet
Application Server 6.0, an application server
that will provide a development platform based
on the J2EE standard. It is expected to start
shipping in January. (DEC 6)
- OpenBSD 2.6 Now Available
Earlier this week, the OpenBSD organization released
OpenBSD v2.6. This new version of OpenBSD contains
many enhancements over v2.5, and can be downloaded
for free or purchased on a CD. (DEC 3)
For more ServerWatch News visit us at
2. New Additions to ServerWatch
- Lucid Chat
Lucid Chat is a low-overhead, low-maintenance chat server
that is a refreshing alternative to high-maintenance chat
servers that eat up a disproportionate amount of system
resources while not necessarily enhancing the user experience.
3. Updated Servers for the Week
Note: The ''*'' icon identifies servers and dev tools that have shown
significant improvement since their last update. These apps
typically exhibit important new features that make them "must-
have" updates.
- Updated IRC Undernet Daemon, a 4 star IRC server, to v2.10.07.
- Updated StarNine Mail Server, a 3 star mail server, to v4.2.
- Updated Eudora Internet Mail Server, a 4 Star Mail Server to v3 beta.
4. Top 10 Downloads - Movers and Shakers
The updates for the Top Downloads from ServerWatch
are now available. Here are the servers that have
moved up (the "movers") or have either exited the
list or fallen (the "shakers") during the past week.
For the complete results of the past week, check out:
Top Downloads at
-- The Movers --
- Fictional Daemon Up From #5 to #4
- FTP Serv-U Up From #8 to #6
- Red Hat Linux Up #9 to #8
- LAN-Projekt WinProxy Up From #10 to #9
- SoftRouter Plus New to the List at #10
-- The Shakers --
- Xitami Down From #4 to #5
- Internet Information Server Down From #6 to #7
- ColdFusion Dropped From the List
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