by Dana Daugherty
Here are my notes from the field on a failed secondary SMS site.
My notes outline the actual cause of the server failure, a failed
rebuild attempt and the steps for the successful rebuild.
Dana Daugherty
recently had to rebuild a SMS secondary site server. These notes
outline the actual cause of the server failure, a failed rebuild
attempt, and the steps for the successful rebuild. Great reading!
Rebuild of 123SMS (Secondary Site) –
This server
locked up on 12/1. After rebooting, upon the completion of the PC
Anywhere upgrade to version 9.2, the following blue stop screen
error appeared
0x0000001E (0xC0000005, 0xA003733F, 0x00000000, 0x00000004)
KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED***. One administrator attempted to apply
a NT repair via the NT CD but had no luck. Eventually this server
was determined to have a bad video adapter. We also learned from
Dell that multiple known issues exist between PC Anywhere and ATI
Rage adapters. The NT administrator eventually completed the NT
Server reinstall using the standard NT installation. I then followed
the NT install with a SMS secondary site installation.
SMS Rebuild:
First Attempt:
At first I performed CD based install. I
selected all the defaults. At the “Setup Options” screen I selected
Install an SMS Secondary Site. I then selected Next,
then Intel x386 was defaulted. At “Setup Installation” Options SMS
Server was defaulted and I also selected Remote Tools and
Network Monitor, then Next. At the next screen I used
Domain1smsservice and the correct password. At the final screen I
hit Finish.
I didn’t remove the 123 secondary site before
reinstalling. I was attempting to avoid having to reconfigure the
site. Also, SMS was installed to Drive E: because it defaults to the
drive with the most available space. This caused problems as well
because the 123 site configuration located on PriSrvrSMS was looking
for an install on drive D:.
The problems were apparent when I looked in
Component Status for 123SMS in the Admin ConsoleSystem Status tree.
I saw the components still had the old date under the Last Started
Second Attempt (successful):
From the SMS Resource Kit I used SMS Site Properties Manger
to export all 123 site settings to PrimarySMSD$Site Properties
Manger. I open the application, connect to Primary SMS Site, Open
Site Hierarchy Primary 123. Right-Click on Site Settings.
Selected Export All Settings.
From the Admin Console I opened Site Hierarchy Primary Site
and deleted site 123
Using PC Anywhere I began removing SMS services and
components described in TechNet article Q234484 How to Remove and Rebuild SMS Secondary
Sites. I began with the
Removing the Secondary Site section, starting with #5 Stop all SMS
After all the SMS components were removed I started the
standard SMS Secondary Site Installation, as follows:
After placing the SMS Sp2 CD in 123SMS I selected Install
SMS. . I then selected the defaults at several screens.
At the “Setup Options” screen I selected Install an SMS
Secondary Site.
At the next screen I entered Comp Name, Comp Name and
a CD key, then Next.
At the SMS Site Information screen I entered 123,
Site Location and Domain1 in the text boxes.
At the next screen I used Domain1smsservice and the
correct password for
the service account. I then selected Next.
Then Intel x386 was defaulted. At “Setup Installation”
Options SMS Server was defaulted and I also selected Remote Tools
and Network Monitor, then Next.
At the Parent Information screen I entered Primary Site
Code, Primary Server Name and left the default of Local
Area Network for the connection type. Then at the Connection Account
Information Screen I entered the same information as you did for the
Service Account Information Screen above.
At the final screen I hit Finish.
All services started. Within the SMS Admin Console all
components started. No error messages appeared in the 123 status
tree or the Primary Site status tree.