#WML/WAP types AddType text/vnd.wap.wml .wml AddType application/vnd.wap.wmlc .wmlc AddType text/vnd.wap.wmlscript .wmls AddType application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc .wmlsc AddType image/vnd.wap.wbmp .wbmpThe basic WML file is delivered to the browser with MIME type text/vnd.wap.wml.
In the statement above, we have told Apache to delivery this MIME type whenever the filename ends
in the extension .wml. Similarly, appropriate MIME types are passed for
other WML variants. The .wmlc files would be compressed WML files, while
.wmls and .wmlsc represent WMLScript
(a wireless scripting language) and compressed WMLScript, respectively. Furthermore,
.wbmp files represent wireless bitmap files or WBMP, the graphic format
that wireless devices support (as opposed to, for example, .gif or .jpg on desktop browsers).Changes to the Apache httpd.conf file take effect only when the server
is launched, so the server must be restarted to save the
above changes for the new MIME types to apply. Once done though, Apache is ready to
go, and will happily deliver WML and related files to a wireless device.Development Simulation
You might be thinking, configuring Apache to deliver WML sounds nice in theory,
but how can we see it in action? Without a wireless phone, aren't we flying
blind?Fortunately, no. If you're doing any development at all in WML, and also
want to test drive your Apache configuration in delivering WML pages, check
out Phone.com's UP.SDK package, which includes the incredibly handy UP.Simulator.
The Simulator ("UP" stands for "Unwired Planet") displays
a virtual cell phone on your desktop, which you can use to connect to and browse
any WML page over the Internet (using your normal land-based Internet connection).The Simulator even includes alternate "skins", or templates for various
models of phone, so you can see how WML pages will be rendered on the particular
screen size of a certain vendor model. The UP.Simulator is, as Martha Stewart
would say were she to prototype WML pages for wireless delivery, "a good